Response: “Enterprise Village: Intellectual Property and Rural Optimization” Anita Say Chan

 Area 1:

In the book, Networking Peripheries:Technological Futures and the Myth of Digital Universalism, chapter  “ Enterprise Village” mentions globalization of a small village in Peru and connecting it into the internet realm. Mentions IP (intellectual property rights) particularly Chulucans origin of ceramics. Wanting to put Peru art in the map they seek out mass production. However, trying to identify one whole concrete piece of art that consumers can identify as Peru is easier said then done. Other villages within Peru whom feel that chulucans are stealing their characteristics and traditions infused within these ceramics. That they are Losing their identity to the masses. Making a product that selfs identifies as chulucan and not from any other village of Peru. They are “generating interest” among tourists world wide traveling to visit Peru and its culture. And take a piece of culture with them and spread the word that Peru is cultured place. 

Area 2: 

I’m kinda conflicted on this one. I see the value in wanting your culture to be recognized in some shape or form to rest of the world and the other hand there is preserving from outsiders wanting to make profit from these traditions. It also benefits its chulucans to make money so they have sustainable live style or have essentials such as schools, hospitals, potable water and jobs overall to provide for their family. However, globalization leads to some problems with losing cultural and traditions. For example, Halloween people dressing up as day of the dead and no nothing of why Mexican culture celebrates it. They view it as a cool costume and not acknowledging the story behind why it came to be this tradition to honor those who have passed on into the next life. Don’t get me wrong Coco did a beautiful job executing Mexican culture and explaining it. And there is something to be said about another country explaining your culture and making a profit.  
