Response: "Social Media Surveillance and Law Enforcement"
Area 1:
In the article “Social Media Surveillance and Law Enforcement“ by Alexandra Matescu, Douglas Brunton, Alex Rosenblat, Desmond Patton, Zachary Gold, and Boyd states law enforcement use social media as a tool to catch criminals. There is a concern that social profiling, stereotyping, and stigmas may create issues and injustice. And social media changing the way police officers gather evidence against said criminals without warrants. There are products that also help spy on public places in order to help with surveillance. They mention that it is difficult to regulate social media and what can be used as evidence and what is a violation of privacy. Since the internet is very much a new entity of data and information is most of the time permanent. However, it also makes things easier for people to catfish or create fake accounts. Which makes it more difficult to find the culprit behind the crimes or posting evidence that is used in investigations. They mention as well the interpretation of a photo or language used online can again create social profiling. They give an example of a young kid making a gang sign that is just a greeting to their friends but means something of gang affiliation to police and gang members. A mistake for the young kid because now he/she has now been profiled for gang affiliation. They could be a concern of discrimination made a bit easier with social media.
Area 2: law enforcement using social media such as Facebook and Instagram as a tool for gathering evidence against ongoing investigations. It is a bit problematic on one hand it helps catch criminals on the other there is misuse information in stereotyping people. Even if they didn’t do anything wrong. And if law enforcement is viewing your internet footprint who else can view it. And can they use it against you? It makes me think twice about posting anything that can link to you. This reminded me of a discussion or policy during high school that students should not post anything that may obscene or get themselves into trouble because it could be monitored later when you want a decent job. They could use that as a deciding factor in whether you get the job. In other words, don’t post anything that might bite you on the arse. That goes without saying.
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